Friday 7 December 2012

7 Effective Strategies for Entering the mentality of Weight Loss

Lose weight, lose weight, lose weight losing weight seems to be the new mantra of the company. Between diets and restrictive eating patterns, lose a few pounds is easy: the difficulty is to lose weight in a healthy and maintain your new weight.

If you are overweight and you realize you need to lose weight for a health issue is important that you enter the right mindset of weight loss, it is a mindset that will help you lose weight in the best way and not take the weight gain, thanks lifestyle healthier than embrace her.

Useful Tips to Succeed in Losing Weight

First of all let me tell you something very important: all bodies are different, some people are thin constitution, but whoever has a physique most abundant, some people are apple-shaped and who is a rectangle or hourglass. It does not matter the weight itself, we see the number on the scale: the main thing is to be healthy, I never tire of repeating.

Being overweight is very bad for your health and that is why I insist on losing weight through a balanced diet and exercise, but I'm talking about overweight and obesity, which can be identified by calculating your Body Mass Index, not to roll some more. Losing weight is important to be fit and to eliminate all risks associated with the weight too. Once I lost the extra pounds you should maintain a healthy weight, but how you can achieve these results? Here are 7 useful tips to get into the right mindset.

1. Schedule

Planning helps you follow the diet in the best way: decide your healthy menu in advance and go shopping on a regular basis, so you always have what you need to prepare your meals balanced. Do not risk having the fridge half empty and eat what you find because you have not planned in advance!

2. Do the Righteous Stocks

Well, this is good advice in all directions. Stock up on healthy snacks and tasty that you always have on hand for the morning snack and afternoon snack, avoiding to house the foods that are causing you into temptation. Opt for fruit vegetable you love - strawberries, persimmons, apples, carrots - and you do not miss dried fruit, yogurt and whole cakes. If you were to pick you a bit of emotional eating, you'll have many snacks "good" are not going to ruin your diet.

3. Helping Facts

Communication with family and friends is very important: do not be afraid to say you are on a diet and you need support, someone who loves you will be glad to help you. Ideally, dieting with someone who is close to you and take physical activity with someone who can motivate you in the darkest hours.

4. Eat in the Present

When you eat try to eliminate all distractions, such as computer or television, not just watch television while eating makes you fat, but if you taste the food without thinking of anything else it will become a sensory experience more satisfying.

5. Stay Motivated

You need a mantra, something that is able to keep you motivated while dieting at times when you want to give up. It could be the photo of when you were in the form, or the dress you want to wear when you have reached your goal, but also a list of positive motivation might be useful. The important thing is to have something that reminds you why you want to lose weight.

6. No Traps for Thought

How many times our brain plays tricks on us, leading us to want to overdriven from the diet? Do not listen and do not fall into the trap of thinking: rather than obsessing for six days a week that you would like to eat chocolate and eat the whole box on the seventh day, learn to make a small sphere no impact. Rather eat a chocolate when you feel like it, give yourself a small dessert every now and then, it is the 80% rule, the one that says it is better to follow the diet to 80% and indulge in a while, rather than overdriven 100% of the time.

7. Can Can Do

Losing weight is one thing that you can do, if you really want, and it is important that you remember. Tell alone, several times a day: I can do, I can do it! Positive thinking will help you stay motivated and get to your goal.

These strategies will help you achieve your goal and do not get lost along the way. Remember that diet and exercise are essential for weight loss: Leverage a dietician if you want to lose weight in a balanced and do not overlook the idea to seek psychological help to better deal with the path of weight loss.


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