Friday 5 October 2012

Strategies for Weight Loss

Good advice for weight loss and fitness for beginners

There are several reasons why people engage with this issue, which is generally connotatato as "Fitness", and almost all of them before then they do. This question is of course, that has developed an incredibly big market, which are advertised in different and offers several methods, the program "diet pasta" to the "turtle abs in 4 weeks." The market for fitness gyms in the meantime has reached 8 million subscribers even greater than so far the largest German sports association the DFB.

  This mass of offers makes it difficult to find your correct method and ultimately many measures are ineffective or harmful to health. Same as what the goal pursued, invest time in your health or change your habits, it is a good decision, but act properly and take to heart the following tips!

Do you want to lose weight without yoyo effect?

• Forget the diet!

These lead to a short term success and submit your body to unnecessary stress.

• Put the call from your everyday life sweets!

• Do you need chocolate to your sense of happiness?
Then eat spicy. Spicy food has the same effect as the production of serotonin (happy hormone of the body).

• Eat regularly!

Reduce portions and distribute them throughout the day. In this way, your metabolism stays active and does not develop any excessive feeling of hunger that leads to attacks of food consumption. A power plan sensible may be composed as follows:

Breakfast: Fruit, pamne integral / toast, cucumber / tomato, muesli, yogurt snack in the morning sticks muesli, nuts, yogurt, fruit Lunch: Vegetables, salads, lean meat / fish Afternoon snack: Dinner: salad, lean meat / fish • To lose fat, you have to take fat!

But the good fat, eg: Olive oil, fat derived from nuts, fish, avocados from - hands down from fried foods!

• Reduce the consumption of carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice). Only people undergoing physical exertion need a lot of carbohydrates.

• Increase the volume of your overall calorie!

Losing weight only works if potezte prove a negative energy balance. This means that you burn more calories than they take. The body burns calories with work, ie movement, therefore, use every opportunity to make the move! Consider what metaphorically ... the food is for humans as gasoline for the car. If you want to fill up every day, you should consume each day around the fuel tank.

• Make sport!

The entry to a fitness studio is undoubtedly a good investment. Make sure that there is a qualified and do prepare a customized program from a trainer.

For beginners than satisfy two training units with up to 5-6 years. First, your body has to get used for about 6 weeks to unusual movements and create a relaxing base.

• Make-circuit workout!

To achieve the best slimming effect, should pass after the phase adjustment, at an interval training. Let make a coach a program of interval cardio units coupled with complex exercises (exercises where you train more muscles at the same time). This workout will make you sweat, also the heart rate with correct execution will be kept on a high level. Fulfills three times a week such a workout (45-60 minutes each time) with at least one day off between units.
If you perform this exercise regularly, your body will burn fat permanently (yes, even during sleep). This effect is called Afterburn and can last with this form of training up to 36 hours.

• Intensify your workout!

If you do take into consideration these tips, you may consider himself lucky. Dimagrirà and at the same time give shape to his body. Now it is important not to rest on their laurels, but remain in action and increase slowly but steadily your training activity, to counteract the yoyo effect.

This is due to the fact that the human organism in the course of evolution, has acquired mechanisms that should ensure the survival, which will make it difficult, while maintaining the intensity of training, nuvamente increase of weight. These mechanisms were vital, when you had to provide or gather their own food with difficulty, or gather - and they still are today with food shortage. Where the excess of food, just go to the refrigerator, these mechanisms are no longer needed.

Basal metabolism and energy metabolism.

On the one hand, the thyroid plays an important role, which slows down the basal metabolic rate (calories burned without any movement), on the other hand also decreases energy expenditure (calories burned during exercise), because you thanks to the reduction of weight must provide food less body tissue and move less mass.
The decisive role in these processes is played by leptin. Leptin is the messenger of fat cells that signals to the brain, how good the power condition of the body. Where, under a weight reduction fat cells are made thinner, reduces the emission of leptin, and then signals to the brain that is in place, a lower voltage. The cervallo reacts, is an appetite,'s hungry.
The result of these mechanisms is that maintaining a constant workout activities, you consume fewer calories than before the reduction in weight and must fight against hunger.

Therefore increases regularly and pay attention to your energy balance, which should of course be balanced with achieving your desired weight.

Have fun losing weight!


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