Sunday 28 October 2012

How to Prevent Acne

1) What can be done to try to prevent acne?

The first thing is definitely the one to take care of your skin while respecting the character and try to engage in conduct normalizing for example use cleaning agents that remove excess sebum without irritating but over the delicate environment that is present on the surface epidermal, the use of the towel requires delicacy Do not rub the skin intensely irritandola. Just as you have to use products for the treatment of oily skin is not it irritating and comedogenic. You should drink a lot. Never crush or squeeze pimples, even small ones when they occur, because doing so may lead to a worsening of inflammation that can lead to a worsening of the acneico with increased risk of scarring. Particular attention should be paid to make up, that in those with acneic skin it may be a factor. It is important to avoid heavy makeup, your skin needs to breathe, possibly use of specific products for problem skin or acne-prone skin, also are fine powder (not powder compact and earth), rich in ingredients such as talc, magnesium carbonate light and zinc oxide that are known to have an effect adsorbent present a cosmetically desirable effect for the majority of subjects.

2) The appearance of acne is influenced by lifestyle? (Diet, smoking, etc.)

With regard to supply its role in the treatment and prevention of acne was much reduced compared to the popular belief that wants to attribute to the power of certain foods cause acne, it is also true that in some cases a diet excessively caloric can worsen acne already exists, particularly in teenagers as well as naturally cause overweight. As well as a messy, like eating between meals can worsen acne. Smoking is certainly an element that can worsen acne and hinder healing. Last but certainly not for relevance stress has been frequently put in relation to the onset and worsening acne also due to the tendency in many subjects stressed in all'automanipolazione of the lesions, and therefore the possibility of extension of the process with increased risk of causing scarring.

3) The pimples are synonymous with acne?

Not necessarily a single pimple or a few pimples imply the presence of acne but can often be a warning sign. The passing adolescence for a while and have never suffered before this disorder does not represent a valid reason for exclusion of the problem.

4) At the onset of the first symptoms of acne what can you do to prevent it from getting worse?

When the first symptoms appear we move towards therapeutic measures commensurate to the scale of the phenomenon without forgetting those measures of a preventive nature that we talked about and summarize in a few points: thorough cleaning at least twice a day using specific products, attention to the use of make-up properly, reduce the state of stress, avoid smoke.


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