Tuesday 20 November 2012

Ten Tips for Healthy Teeth And Gums

1) Start from the beginning
The teeth are formed in the womb, from the third month of gestation. A healthy diet is essential for the future mother. Calcium-rich foods such as dairy products, fruits buckets soy, are particularly suitable for developing strong bones and teeth in infants. Although fluoride is of fundamental importance for the resistance of teeth to decay. The use of fluoride must be daily in the form of tablets, milk fluoride or fluoride salt, and continued until the age of 10 years. The administration of fluoride tablets should begin immediately after the baby is born, even better during the mother's pregnancy, when the baby teeth are already in training. It should also be administered without milk, because this food reduces its absorption. Common sources of fluoride drinking water, fluoride toothpastes and mouthwashes.
Concentrations, they can cause abnormalities in the shape and color of the teeth and also make it less hard enamel (which incidentally is resistant to decay).
Pregnant women also need particular care: many, in fact, suffer from gingivitis because of hormonal changes. The desire for sweet foods and morning sickness, also can make them more vulnerable.
Therefore, it is even more important to brush their teeth at least twice daily, using a fluorine-based toothpaste and dental floss.

2) Start early with your children
Even the gums of a baby can rub after eating, using a damp cloth or gauze to remove any remaining plaque. The dentist or hygienist can show you how. Once sprouted teeth, gently wipe it with a toothbrush with soft bristles.
If your baby drinks milk or juice before going to sleep, the natural sugars in these foods and bacteria in the mouth of the baby can interact and form the acid that attacks the enamel. If the baby wants a bottle to sleep, it is preferable to fill it with water.

3) Teach your children
Brushing their teeth at least twice a day is a good habit to be encouraged from an early age. Help your children understand the importance of brushing your teeth regularly and rendetegli the fun task.
For the first few years you will wash you you: you stand behind them, inclinategli head gently and assume the same position as when you brush your teeth. Use a small amount of fluoride toothpaste, preferring one who likes children.

4) Become friends of the dentist
Many children are afraid of dentists because they see them only when they are sick. Taking them to the dentist regularly, not just any problem will be taken care of in time, but the visit to the dentist will become a habit and the children will have no fear.

5) Healthy food, healthy teeth!
Children's teeth, more than others, are at risk of tooth decay. The foods and sugary drinks that often favor, put them at risk. This especially applies to the snacks that children generally consume out of the house when they have the opportunity to brush your teeth.
Healthy snacks such as whole wheat bread, raw vegetables and fruit not only help keep your teeth healthy, but also provide children with the energy they need to play and study.

6) Greater care as children grow
When the adult teeth replace the milk is a good time to start flossing: it is then that the teeth are often irregular and sometimes very close. The floss can get into tight spaces where your toothbrush can not reach.
Many children will need braces to have straight teeth and healthy as adults. The orthodontist will show them how to clean the machine and how to avoid bringing the formation of plaque.

7) And you?
While children are more prone to tooth decay, adults are more susceptible to gum disease.
The problem is plaque: a film of bacteria and colorless adhesive, which forms constantly on the teeth. Her bacteria react with food and drink, producing acids that attack tooth enamel protection. This may be due to caries and gingivitis. If neglected, quest'infiammazione gums can lead to "periodontitis" irreversible damage to the tissue and bone structure supporting the teeth.
The best way to prevent oral diseases is to brush your teeth regularly with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily and use to go to the dentist.

8) The treatment of gingivitis
The majority of cases of tooth loss in adults is caused by gingivitis. This pathology is inflating and bleeding gums and manifests itself to the accumulation of plaque above and below the gum line. If caught early and treated by the dentist, as well as better oral hygiene, gingivitis is reversible.
Gingivitis, if not treated in time, can develop into periodontitis (gums red and swollen that scollano teeth) and causing damage to the bone that supports the teeth and leading, ultimately, to tooth loss.
At the first signs of gingivitis, consult your dentist and / or hygienist.

9) Wipe the teeth and move the floss properly
How to brush your teeth: Brush your teeth regularly does not keep teeth clean and free of plaque if you do it correctly. It only takes two minutes.
Place the brush at 45 ° with respect to the gum line and rub away from the gums.
Gently clean the outer surface, inner and the occlusal surface of the tooth with short movements back and forth.
To clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, hold the brush vertically and gently rub up and down with the tip.
When cleaning, it is advisable to brush the tongue. A mint toothpaste will help keep you fresh breath.

How to use dental floss:
• Take about 45 cm of floss and avvolgetene most around each middle finger (more around one finger than the other), leaving 2-3 inches of floss between the two fingers.
• Keeping the line tight, slide it gently between his teeth, without damaging the gums.
• Fold the floss around each tooth in the shape of "C" and move it gently on the sides of each tooth, and just below the gum line.

Use a new part of floss passing from one tooth to another. Do not worry if at first your gums bleed. It is a common phenomenon.
Should disappear in a few days, as your gums become healthier. If persists, it becomes necessary appointments with the dentist and hygienist.

10) Use the best oral hygiene
Finally, be sure to use appropriate tools to protect yourself and your family.
Replace your toothbrush at least every three months and buy one designed to clean your teeth thoroughly or an electric one.
As for the dental floss, choose one made of a single filament that is resistant to tearing and slips easily between the teeth, even in the case of narrow spaces.
Mouthwashes can help to effectively protect teeth and gums and give you fresher breath. Mouthwash helps fight plaque where your toothbrush can not act.
The toothpaste is very important. Pick one to fluorine, as it is medically proven that a good toothpaste with fluoride, mineralizes the enamel of the teeth from the root.
Having healthy teeth for your whole family is possible. E 'enough to observe these simple but useful rules.


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