Friday 23 November 2012

How to lose more than 20 pounds

Today I will explain 10 key points to lose weight in an easy, natural and healthy.

1) Physical Activity.
Physical activity is too important a factor for weight loss, to the extent that it can only be conditioned by the success of the diet. In fact, it may be enough that the mere exercise combined with a less restrictive diet to drop significantly in weight. The important thing is to create a negative balance between calories consumed and calories burned during exercise. My advice is to attend the gym 5 times a week and do cardio for an hour and a half.

2) Diet.
Start with a healthier diet, focusing your attention to the quality of the food-usually obese people taking the same calories than normal but often their food choices contain unhealthy foods and fats. Give more attention to quality than to quantity (which of course must be reduced according to the needs of the individual).

3) Do not remain seated for long.
Avoid the temptation to PC and TV avoiding to sit in the same place for long. Try to move as much as possible.

4) Rest.
Try to sleep at least 8 hours, you will see that will help against mood swings and prevent nocturnal visits to the fridge.

5) Take a walk.
Walking is the fastest way to burn calories doing aerobic exercise.

6) Drink plenty of water.
Drink lots of water is good for your health! It can also help you to feel less hungry. When you're very hungry, try drinking a glass of water. You will notice a reduction of appetite.

7) Cardio.
Take a cardiovascular workout twice a day, will keep you busy mentally and consume a lot of calories!

8) Avoid chewing gum and invent an activity.
During your free time you try to invent new activities will help you to not give up your appetite. Avoid chewing butts (tires) because it will increase your hunger than to initiate the secretion of gastric fluids thus initiating the digestive process and preparing the centers of hunger and satiety to receive foods that, in this case, does not reach, increasing the feeling of hunger.

9) Wash your teeth.
Brushing your teeth is a good trick to not eat again. Usually, after you brush your teeth, we did not want to eat again so .. Whenever possible, wash!

10) Attend friends.
Having people around you will help you psychologically in the effort of the diet. Psychological support during the most difficult moments is the slave to not give up and keep going until you reach your goal.


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